Center for Innovative Approach

We believe that the effective execution of any organization’s mission is based on the availability and accessibility critical data.

In today’s knowledge-based economy, data is gold. It provides a sense of security and the confidence that drive mission home. When you come to CENFIA, you will understand the language, culture, and a better way of doing business in Liberia.

Get Involved

As a collaborative community, we welcome individual as well as business organizations to join our effort. We are opened to contributions from Liberians and others committed to the revitalization of Liberia. I admit, the vision is ambitious. But we believe that with this collaboration, we can inspire the culture of entrepreneurship and innovation in technologies, inventions, arts, entertainment, biotech and medical research. We can transform Liberia for years to come. We can pioneer an era that will give us a strategic advantage to become a viable economic hub. We can create a business climate that is diversely informed and capable, promising, predictable, and technologically sound.

To join, complete and submit our online form.

You can also reach us with your comment and question at or 609-635-3709.